From source

Building the application


You can also download the latest build from the release pageopen in new window on GitHub and skip the building process.

To install from source, you need to clone the repository and install the dependencies.

git clone
cd SecureDAV
composer install --no-interaction --no-progress --no-dev

npm ci
npm run build

You can then remove the node_modules directory to save some space.

Setting up

Then create the .env file by copying the .env.example file and adjust the settings to your needs (see Configuration).

cp .env.example .env

After that you can generate the application key and run the migrations.

php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate

Finally, you can deploy the application by pointing your web server to the public directory.


Checkout the SabreDAV documentationopen in new window for more information on how to configure your web server for using WebDAV.

Setting up the cronjob

The backups and some cleanup functions depend on the Laravel scheduler. To run the scheduler, you have to add the following cronjob to your server:

# other cronjobs...

* * * * * www-data cd /project/root && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Using Redis (optional)

If you want to use Redis for caching and the queue, you have to adjust some settings in the .env file:


# set the host and password for redis
REDIS_HOST=<redis host>
REDIS_PASSWORD=<redis password>



Setting up the queue worker

When using Redis for the queue you have to use a queue worker to process the jobs.

You should use a process manager like supervisord to keep the worker running. Check the Laravel documentationopen in new window for more information.

You can also start the worker with the following command:

php artisan queue:work

First run

Check the Quick start after installation section to get started with the SecureDAV application.

Important directories

  • storage/app/files: The directory where all files are stored
  • storage/logs: The directory where the logs are stored