
There are some options to modify the behavior of the application in the .env file. You can copy the .env.example file to .env and adjust the settings to your needs.


When updating the configuration you have to run the following command in order for the changes to take effect:

docker exec -it <container name> php artisan config:cache
php artisan config:cache

When using the docker image or a process manager (like supervisor) for your queue worker, you have to restart the worker after updating the configuration:

docker exec -it <container name> php artisan queue:restart
php artisan queue:restart


Update of the value is required for the application to work properly (when starting from the .env.example file)


APP_NAMEstringThe name of the application (used in the title e.g.)
APP_ENVstringThe environment of the application (e.g. local, production)
APP_DEBUGboolWhether the application is in debug mode
APP_URLstringThe URL of the application where it is deployed (used for static links)
APP_DEFAULT_TIMEZONEstringThe default timezone of the application (e.g. UTC)
APP_TRUSTED_PROXIESstringThe proxies that should be trusted by the application (comma-separated)


APP_REGISTRATION_ENABLEDboolWhether users can register themselves
APP_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_ENABLEDboolWhether users have to verify their email address after registration
WEBDAV_CORS_ENABLEDboolWhether CORS requests are allowed to the WebDAV server
WEBDAV_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINSstringThe allowed origins for CORS requests to the WebDAV server (comma-separated)


DB_CONNECTIONstringThe database connection type (e.g. mysql, sqlite)
DB_HOSTstringThe host of the database server
DB_PORTstringThe port of the database server
DB_DATABASEstringThe name of the database
DB_USERNAMEstringThe username to connect to the database
DB_PASSWORDstringThe password to connect to the database


When using SQLite as the database connection, the DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD fields are not required. You however have to create the empty database/database.sqlite file manually.


MAIL_MAILERstringThe mailer to use (e.g. smtp, sendmail, mailgun, ses, postmark)
MAIL_HOSTstringThe host of the mail server
MAIL_PORTstringThe port of the mail server
MAIL_USERNAMEstringThe username to connect to the mail server
MAIL_PASSWORDstringThe password to connect to the mail server
MAIL_ENCRYPTIONstringThe encryption to use (e.g. tls, ssl, null)
MAIL_FROM_ADDRESSstringThe email address to send emails from
MAIL_FROM_NAMEstringThe name to send emails from